The City of New Bloomfield is governed by a Mayor and four Aldermen who are elected by the people of the City. The Mayor and two Aldermen are elected in even numbered years, and the other two Aldermen are elected in odd numbered years. All members of the Governing Board serve two-year terms. The Board of Alderman adopts all ordinances and resolutions and determines the general goals and policies of the City.
Gary Hoelscher
Alderman for Ward I:
Jessica Shaffer
Dan Kliethermes
Alderman for Ward II:
Rosemary Augustine
Curtis Clem
The Board of Alderman meets at 6:00 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month at City Hall. Meetings are open to the public. New Bloomfield is part of Callaway County. For information about county services, please visit the Callaway County government website.
On April 7, 2015, New Bloomfield voters passed a ballot measure that allows the City to forgo municipal elections when the number of candidates who have filed is equal to the number of positions to be filled. An ordinance passed at the Jan. 8, 2015 Board of Alderman meeting authorizes the City to refrain from holding municipal elections for six years.
The ballot measure becomes effective in 2016 applies to Alderman and the Mayor. Residents will not see a municipal election for the next six years, beginning in 2016, only if the number of candidates who have filed is equal to the number of positions to be filled. Any year in which there are multiple candidates filed for a seat, an election will still be held.
By approving this ballot issue, New Bloomfield taxpayers will save the funds that were previously spent on elections that were often unopposed.
The board’s decision to pass the ordinance and submit the ballot issue to the voters is based on Senate Bill 593 passed in 2014. The legislation is specific to municipalities with 1,000 or fewer residents, a criteria that New Bloomfield meets. Notices of elections and filing dates will still be published each year, as required by state statute, to inform New Bloomfield residents of the opportunity to file for candidacy.
2018 Annual Independent Audit
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